viernes, 10 de junio de 2016

Becas #pew #postdoc #Vibrio #cholerae #Campylobacter #jejuni,

El laboratorio Microbiology and Molecular Biology Dept,  MSU (USA) están buscando postdocs para postular a becas Pew. Los interesados pueden contactarse  Natalia Martin (nm.nataliamartin "at" ,  o el jefe de laboratorio Dr. Victor DiRita ( diritavi "at"
Research in the DiRita lab is aimed at understanding molecular biology of bacterial pathogens and the mechanisms by which they interact with hosts. Two microbes under investigation are Vibrio cholerae, agent of human cholera, and Campylobacter jejuni, a prevalent foodborne pathogen that causes gastroenteritis and diarrhea.  Projects concerning V. cholerae include understanding the regulatory pathway that controls the two major pathogenicity determinants of the microbe, the cholera toxin and the toxin-coregulated pilus. With Campylobacter jejuni, we are studying basic mechanisms underlying its biology and pathogenicity. 

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