lunes, 17 de abril de 2017

POSLATAM 2017: Scientific School on Biophysical methods to study Biomolecular interactions - ESPCA

Dear Colleagues,

As you may know, we are organizing a scientific school here in Brazil (at Sao Paulo), from Oct. 16 to Oct. 27 of 2017. This school is entirely financed by FAPESP, which is the main agency for research funding in Sao Paulo.

We were able to obtain 50 FULL FELLOWSHIP FOR STUDENTS OUTSIDE OF BRAZIL. This means that we will pay THE AIR TICKETS (From the student local city up to Sao Paulo and the return for its hometown). We will also PAY FOR THE HOTEL ACCOMMODATION DURING THE SCHOOL (breakfast included) and WE ARE ALSO PAYING FOR THE LUNCH DURING THE MEETING.

As you can see, we are paying almost everything, for these 50 students. Following the school, we will have our annual meeting of the Brazilian Biophysical society, which will be in Santos, around 90Km from Sao Paulo. The students are also encourage to participate in our annual meeting.

Moreover, the scientific program is really interesting with several top scientists from Brazil, US and Europe.

What I would like to ask of you, very kindly, is to help us to spread this information with your colleagues and, mainly, your students!

More information regarding the school can be found here, as well as the registration webpage.

Please, fell free to contact us for any question!

Hope to see you soon!!


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